




※本美濃紙:サイズ 90.0cm×66.6cm(横位置)、ポスター:サイズ 60cm×90cm(縦位置)


World Celebrates with Posters

20 years have passed since the Ogaki Poster Museum, Japan was founded in 1996. At that time most of the posters were printed with off-set or silk-screen. Yet with the spread of computer technologies and the remarkably and consecutively developed DTP techniques, many posters printed with ink-jet output have come out even in the site of international poster contests. However, is this a true and quality-oriented progress?


Therefore our museum has assumed this is the phase to look back the history of posters. We have decided to call all the designers in the world to make posters with the theme of Ogaki Festival along with the thanks to the city of Ogaki, the corporate institutions, and all the citizens of Ogaki, so that the nomination of Kurumayama Event of Ogaki Festival, an Ogaki’s intangible folk cultural asset, can be registered as an important cultural treasure of the UNESCO in 2016. This is how we have reached to print all the posters in silk-screen on genuine Mino paper.(※)


※Size of Original Genuine Mino Paper 90.0cm×66.6cm (horizontal) / Size of Poster 60cm×90cm (vertical)






The genuine Mino paper has been registered by the UNESCO since 2014 as an important intangible world cultural asset. It is our pride that it has the history of 1,300 years that embraces the highest quality only a limited number of professionals can produce by using the traditional and indigenous techniques. The Mino paper is currently used as paper of shoji that brings a faint shadow under the sunlight. The paper isn’t normally used for poster print but has been chosen this time because it excels to introduce the Japanese traditional culture.


The silk-screen print was initiated by Mino Shigyo of Gujo city (currently Mino Group) in early 1950’s and along with the supreme craft-men techniques it contributed to the industry of silk-screen prints. Its unique texture captured not only the passion of the designers but tinted our daily life with vividness in 50’s to 70’s. The demand for printing papers, however, has decreased these days and it is now rare to print posters with silk-screen.


さて、今回の世界からのポスター27点を見ると、車山や鳥居など大垣まつりに絡んだモチーフを描いたもののほか、舞妓、獅子、鶴、俳句など日本の伝統文化からインスピレーションをうけたもの、「OGAKI」の文字を使ったタイポグラフィ、まつりの楽しさをデザインしたものなど多彩です。シルクスクリーンの印刷に何度も立ち会いましたが、特色インクによる鮮やかな色面や写真製版による精緻なテクスチャーの再現、メタリックカラー・金色・銀色など個性的なデザインのあらゆる要望に細かく応えてくださいました。結果できたポスターは、工芸品のような上品でパリッとした深い味わいを醸し出していました。 この度の趣旨に賛同してくださった世界のデザイナーの、ユニークな視点、繊細で美しい本美濃紙、大胆で鮮やかなシルクスクリーン印刷の3つが溶け合った新しい「大垣まつり」ポスターを通して、これからのポスターについて思いを馳せたいと思います。 日本国際ポスター美術館 ディレクター 加藤由


Now, when all 27 posters sent from the world are looked at, they are drawn with floats and gateways to Shinto shrines being closely connected with Ogaki Festival, with young dancing girls of Kyoto, lions, cranes, and Haiku being fully inspired with the time-honored Japanese culture, with typography showing the letters of “OGAKI”, and with the pictures of jubilation of festival. They are all simply so fantastic. Myself often visited the site of silk-screen print and was amazed with the reproduction of the designs such as the coloration by spot ink, replication of fine textures by phototype process, and the use of metallic colors, gold, and silver, all so original and individual, just in order to respond to our tough requests. All the posters now look very refined and classy like handicraft art.


The Museum would like to contemplate on the future of posters with all the world designers that have agreed to our idea with their unique viewpoints, plus the fine and beautiful Mino paper, and the bold and delicate silk-screen technique.


Yoshiro Kato
Director Ogaki Poster Museum, Japan


Reference to the homepage of Genuine Mino Paper